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What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric key encryption?

In symmetric key encryption, resource utilization is low as compared to asymmetric key encryption. In asymmetric key encryption, resource utilization is high. It is efficient as it is used for handling large amount of data. It is comparatively less efficient as it can handle a small amount of data.

What are symmetric keys used for?

Symmetric keys are preferred when transferring huge data. A good example of Symmetric encryption happens to be Caesar’s Cipher. AS, RC4, 3DES, DES, Blowfish, QUAD are used for modern approaches to symmetric encryption. What is the Asymmetric Key? Asymmetric Encryption is a modern and complex encryption style.

What are the different types of encryption keys?

But there are, broadly speaking, two types of keys – symmetric and asymmetric keys. In symmetric key encryption, the same key used to encrypt the data is used to decrypt the data. In asymmetric key encryption, one key is used to only encrypt the data (the public key) and another key is used to decrypt (the private key).

What is the difference between encryption algorithm and key?

The encryption algorithm is simply a mathematical formula designed to scramble data, while the key is used as part of the formula. The encryption algorithm is generic, but the key, used as an input to the algorithm, is what ensures the uniqueness of the scrambled data.

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